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Ethical ManagementEthical Management

Ethical ManagementEthical Management

To maintain HFC’s culture of ethical management and corporate reputation, we manage the ethical relations between employees and stakeholders through the Company’s relevant internal systems and have established an anti-corruption system to engage in business activities under the principles of impartiality, integrity, trustworthiness, and transparency, in order to lay a foundation for robust and sustainable development. In 2023, there were no corruption and anti-competitive activities in HFC.To maintain HFC’s culture of ethical management and corporate reputation, we manage the ethical relations between employees and stakeholders through the Company’s relevant internal systems and have established an anti-corruption system to engage in business activities under the principles of impartiality, integrity, trustworthiness, and transparency, in order to lay a foundation for robust and sustainable development. In 2023, there were no corruption and anti-competitive activities in HFC.

Ethical management implementation organization and processEthical management implementation organization and process

Board of Directors
Supervisory unit: Audit Department
Responsible unit: Marketing Department
Regularly supervise the implementation of ethical management and report the implementation directly to the Board of Directors
Responsible for the amendment to and implementation and interpretation of the Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct, provide consulting services, input notifications in the system, and manage the employee code of conduct and notifications

With that, HFC has formulated relevant management regulations for managers at different levels and stakeholders. We have established the Ethical Corporate Management Principles and the Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct for directors, managers, and employees. They require those with substantive management interests within the enterprise not to directly or indirectly provide, promise, request, or accept any illegitimate benefits, or engage in other unethical conduct that violates good faith, is illegal, or breaches fiduciary obligations in order to obtain or maintain benefits. In addition, we have formulated the Code of Ethical Conduct to regulate the prevention of conflicts of interest, avoidance of personal gains, confidentiality obligations, fair trade, and protection and proper use of company assets.With that, HFC has formulated relevant management regulations for managers at different levels and stakeholders. We have established the Ethical Corporate Management Principles and the Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct for directors, managers, and employees. They require those with substantive management interests within the enterprise not to directly or indirectly provide, promise, request, or accept any illegitimate benefits, or engage in other unethical conduct that violates good faith, is illegal, or breaches fiduciary obligations in order to obtain or maintain benefits. In addition, we have formulated the Code of Ethical Conduct to regulate the prevention of conflicts of interest, avoidance of personal gains, confidentiality obligations, fair trade, and protection and proper use of company assets.

Ethical Corporate Management Principles
Procedures for Ethical Management
and Guidelines for Conduct
Code of Ethical Conduct
◆ Employees
◆ Managers
◆ Directors
◆ Employees
◆ Managers
◆ Directors
◆ Managers
◆ Directors

To ensure that no bribes are received, HFC requires all suppliers to sign a pledge of integrity or integrity clause, which stipulates that bribery is prohibited and that suppliers shall comply with the Company Act, Securities and Exchange Act, Business Entity Accounting Act, Political Donations Act, Government Procurement Act, Act on Recusal of Public Servants Due to Conflicts of Interest, regulations related to listing on TWSE and TPEx, domestic and foreign anti-bribery laws (including, but not limited to, the Anti-Corruption Act of ROC, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the U.K. Bribery Act), or other domestic and foreign business conduct related laws. In the event of a breach, any contract or order with the supplier will be canceled or terminated without notice. In 2023, all suppliers signed the Letter of Commitment and CSR clauses. HFC pays attention to the development of measures and regulations on ethical management at home and abroad, raises employees’ awareness from time to time, and implements the concept of ethical management at work. In 2023, we offered seven courses on ethical management to all employees, topics including the intellectual property rights, anti-bribery, information security education, insider trading prevention. An average of 996 employees completed the training in each course, and the total accumulated training hours amounted to 4,512.5 hours.To ensure that no bribes are received, HFC requires all suppliers to sign a pledge of integrity or integrity clause, which stipulates that bribery is prohibited and that suppliers shall comply with the Company Act, Securities and Exchange Act, Business Entity Accounting Act, Political Donations Act, Government Procurement Act, Act on Recusal of Public Servants Due to Conflicts of Interest, regulations related to listing on TWSE and TPEx, domestic and foreign anti-bribery laws (including, but not limited to, the Anti-Corruption Act of ROC, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the U.K. Bribery Act), or other domestic and foreign business conduct related laws. In the event of a breach, any contract or order with the supplier will be canceled or terminated without notice. In 2023, all suppliers signed the Letter of Commitment and CSR clauses. HFC pays attention to the development of measures and regulations on ethical management at home and abroad, raises employees’ awareness from time to time, and implements the concept of ethical management at work. In 2023, we offered seven courses on ethical management to all employees, topics including the intellectual property rights, anti-bribery, information security education, insider trading prevention. An average of 996 employees completed the training in each course, and the total accumulated training hours amounted to 4,512.5 hours.

Course nameNumber of people who have completed training
Course time (hr)
Information security9440.5hr
Prevent insider trading
Personal Data Protection Act
Ani corruption11061hr
Occupational Safety and Health
Fair Trade Act
General course about intellectual property
In 2023, the total ethical management issues training hours reached 4512.5 hours In 2023, the total ethical management issues training hours reached 4512.5 hours

Results of 2023 internal regulations for ethical corporate management of HFCResults of 2023 internal regulations for ethical corporate management of HFC

Communication channels
Achievements in 2023
We disseminate information in writing and organize director's training courses.
◆  All directors and the chief corporate governance officer completed a 3-hour money laundering prevention course.
◆ Directors and senior managers issued monthly written notices promoting the prevention of insider trading.
We promote ethical corporate management measures and company policies through education and training courses.
We organized 7 courses with an average of 996 employees completing each course, accumulating 4,512.5 hours of training
Suppliers are required to sign supplier undertakings and a corporate social responsibility clause to promise not to engage in bribery.
100% of suppliers signed the supplier undertakings, corporate social responsibility clauses

Promote and hold education training to prevent insider tradingPromote and hold education training to prevent insider trading

The company has established "Internal Important Information Processing Procedures" to regulate all employees, managers, directors and other persons who have access to the company's internal important information due to their status, occupation or control relationship. They are prohibited from using undisclosed information in the market to buy or sell valuable information. securities, and confirm the company’s insiders and relevant personnel to strictly abide by it, and continue to carry out the following propaganda.The company has established "Internal Important Information Processing Procedures" to regulate all employees, managers, directors and other persons who have access to the company's internal important information due to their status, occupation or control relationship. They are prohibited from using undisclosed information in the market to buy or sell valuable information. securities, and confirm the company’s insiders and relevant personnel to strictly abide by it, and continue to carry out the following propaganda.

New directors
Sign the directors’ declaration
When taking office
All new directors finished signing.
New managersSign the declaration form of directors and managers
When taking office
Directors and senior managers(1) Email to remind insiders to report changes in equity every month
(2) Provide precautions for insider equity transfers, precautions for preventing insider trading, and common violations
(1) once per month
(2) at least once a year
(1) once per month
(2) Promote information to insiders in writing in 2023
EmployeesEducation training through internal websiteevery yearIn the first quarter of 2023, a total of 973 employees participated in the class

Introduction of the Taiwan Intellectual Property Management SystemIntroduction of the Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System

HFC continues to diversify its business. In addition to the establishment of subsidiaries (He Jun Energy and He Jing), HFC has renewed its merchandise installment brand (Pay4U) and its mascot in order to carry out its digital transformation. In order to properly control the management of trademarks and other intellectual property, through the development and optimization of the intellectual property management system, we have strengthened our intellectual property risk management while deepening our cooperation with companies related to the industrial value chain, and continued to enhance the Company's brand image in order to strengthen our brand penetration rate. Through the refinement of the intellectual property management system, such as the mechanism of trademark acquisition, protection, maintenance and utilization, the recognition of various service-related brands of HFC and its subsidiaries will be strengthened by the general public, thereby facilitating the diversified development of HFC and its subsidiaries. We have also strengthened our training and communication to enhance the intellectual property awareness of our staff and to promote the Company's compliance with corporate governance and intellectual property laws and regulations.HFC continues to diversify its business. In addition to the establishment of subsidiaries (He Jun Energy and He Jing), HFC has renewed its merchandise installment brand (Pay4U) and its mascot in order to carry out its digital transformation. In order to properly control the management of trademarks and other intellectual property, through the development and optimization of the intellectual property management system, we have strengthened our intellectual property risk management while deepening our cooperation with companies related to the industrial value chain, and continued to enhance the Company's brand image in order to strengthen our brand penetration rate. Through the refinement of the intellectual property management system, such as the mechanism of trademark acquisition, protection, maintenance and utilization, the recognition of various service-related brands of HFC and its subsidiaries will be strengthened by the general public, thereby facilitating the diversified development of HFC and its subsidiaries. We have also strengthened our training and communication to enhance the intellectual property awareness of our staff and to promote the Company's compliance with corporate governance and intellectual property laws and regulations.

The annual implementation results of Intellectual Property Management was be reported to the board of directors on December 14, 2023.The annual implementation results of Intellectual Property Management was be reported to the board of directors on December 14, 2023.

In 2023, HFC formulated 4 annual intellectual property management goals and achieved all of them:

  1. Established an intellectual property management mechanism that focuses on trademarks
  2. Organized at least 4 educational trainings related to the intellectual property management mechanism
  3. Formulated model clauses for the attribution of intellectual property with partner companies.
  4. Obtained the Class A specification of the Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System (TIPS)
In 2023, HFC set 4 annual intellectual property management goals and achieved them all In 2023, HFC set 4 annual intellectual property management goals and achieved them all